Regionally Accredited Online Colleges


Regionally Accredited Online Colleges

In today’s landscape, it’s crucial to guarantee your selection of an online college holds regional accreditation. By preemptively verifying a school’s accreditation, you steer clear of the potential scenario where your earned credits encounter roadblocks when attempting to transfer. Even more concerning would be the realization that your hard-earned degree isn’t acknowledged by your employer.


Accreditation comes in two distinct flavors: institutional and programmatic. Institutional accreditation assesses whether the college as a whole meets specific standards, whereas programmatic accreditation ensures that a particular program aligns with the industry-specific benchmarks.

In the accreditation realm, there’s a further breakdown into national and regional categories. National accreditation is commonly adopted by institutions aiming to fast-track students into their chosen careers. This category encompasses technical, vocational, and religious schools. It’s important to note that transfer credits from nationally accredited institutions may not receive widespread recognition among regionally accredited colleges and universities.

Regional accreditation, on the other hand, stands as the gold standard, enjoying recognition from most traditional higher education institutions. Consequently, it garners broader acceptance. While both national and regional accreditation are endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education, regional accreditation facilitates smoother credit transfers among institutions with the same regional accreditation.

Colorado Technical UniversityHigher Learning Commission
Strayer UniversityThe Middle States Commission on Higher Education
Southern New Hampshire UniversityNew England Commission of Higher Education
Liberty UniversitySouthern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
Purdue Global UniversityHigher Learning Commission
Grand Canyon UniversityHigher Learning Commission

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Accreditation holds immense significance in the realm of higher education, playing a pivotal role for both students and universities alike. It serves as a quality assurance mechanism, signifying that a college or university meets rigorous and established standards. Beyond this fundamental purpose, accreditation serves as a guiding light for various aspects within the educational landscape. According to the US Department of Ed, college accreditation is used by both students and universities to:

  • Verify that a college or university meets established standards.
  • Help students identify acceptable colleges or universities.
  • Allow colleges and universities determine the acceptability of transfer credits.
  • Set goals to raise the standards among educational institutions.
  • Establish criteria for professional certification and licensure and for upgrading courses offering such preparation.
  • Set a basis for receiving federal financial aid.

You can check your school’s accreditation by visiting the following:

To check distance learning accreditation, visit:

Beware of these phrases when considering a school’s accreditation:

  • “Pursuing Accreditation”
  • “Chartered”
  • “Licensed”
  • “Registered”
  • “Recognized”
  • “Approved”

These terms do not necessarily mean a school is accredited. To verify regional accreditation of a school, visit the CHEA.

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Sources for school statistics is the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics.

Disclosure: EducationDynamics receives compensation for the featured schools on our websites (see “Sponsored Schools” or “Sponsored Listings” or “Sponsored Results”).  So what does this mean for you? Compensation may impact where the Sponsored Schools appear on our websites, including whether they appear as a match through our education matching services tool, the order in which they appear in a listing, and/or their ranking.  Our websites do not provide, nor are they intended to provide, a comprehensive list of all schools (a) in the United States (b) located in a specific geographic area or (c) that offer a particular program of study.  By providing information or agreeing to be contacted by a Sponsored School, you are in no way obligated to apply to or enroll with the school.

This is an offer for educational opportunities, not an offer for nor a guarantee of employment. Students should consult with a representative from the school they select to learn more about career opportunities in that field. Program outcomes vary according to each institution’s specific program curriculum. Financial aid may be available to those who qualify. The financial aid information on this site is for informational and research purposes only and is not an assurance of financial aid.

1 You must apply for a new loan each school year. This approval percentage is based on students with a Sallie Mae undergraduate loan in the 2018/19 school year who were approved when they returned in 2019/20. It does not include the denied applications of students who were ultimately approved in 2019/20.

2 This promotional benefit is provided at no cost to borrowers with new loans that disburse between May 1, 2021 and April 30, 2022. Borrowers are not eligible to activate the benefit until July 1, 2021. Borrowers who reside in, attend school in, or borrow for a student attending school in Maine are not eligible for this benefit. Chegg Study® offers expert Q&A where students can submit up to 20 questions per month. No cash value. Terms and Conditions apply. Please visit for complete details. This offer expires one year after issuance.