Steps and Marching

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General Information

a. This section contains all of the steps in marching of the individual soldier. These steps should be learned thoroughly before proceeding to unit drill.

b. All marching movements executed from the halt are initiated from the position of attention.

c. Except for route step march and at ease march, all marching movements are executed while marching at attentionMarching at attention is the combination of the position of attention and the procedures for the prescribed step executed simultaneously.

d. When executed from the halt, all steps except right step begin with the left foot.

e. For short-distance marching movements, the commander may designate the number of steps forward, backward, or sideward by giving the appropriate command: One step to the right (left), MARCH; or, Two steps backward (forward), MARCH. On the command of execution MARCH, step off with the appropriate foot, and halt automatically after completing the number of steps designated. Unless otherwise specified, when directed to execute steps forward, the steps will be 30-inch steps.

f. All marching movements are executed in the cadence of quick time (120 steps per minute), except the 30-inch step, which may be executed in the cadence of 180 steps per minute on the command Double time, MARCH.

g. A step is the prescribed distance from one heel to the other heel of a marching soldier.

h. All 15-inch steps are executed for a short distance only.

The 30-Inch Step

a. To march with a 30-inch step from the halt, the command is Forward, MARCH. On the preparatory command Forward, shift the weight of the body to the right foot without noticeable movement. On the command of execution MARCH, step forward 30 inches with the left foot and continue marching with 30-inch steps, keeping the head and eyes fixed to the front. The arms swing in a natural motion, without exaggeration and without bending at the elbows, approximately 9 inches straight to the front and 6 inches straight to the rear of the trouser seams. Keep the fingers curled as in the position of attention so that the fingers just clear the trousers.

b. To halt while marching, the command Squad (Platoon), HALT is given. The preparatory command Squad (Platoon) is given as either foot strikes the marching surface as long as the command of execution HALT is given the next time that foot strikes the marching surface. The halt is executed in two counts. After HALT is commanded, execute the additional step required after the command of execution and then bring the trail foot alongside the lead foot, assuming the position of attention and terminating the movement.

NOTE: When marching, there are five steps in the step-by-step method: (1) preparatory command step, (2) intermediate step or thinking step, (3) command of execution step, (4) additional step after command of execution, (5) execution of the movement that was commanded.

The Change Step

a. To change step while marching, the command Change step, MARCH is given as the right foot strikes the marching surface. On the command of execution MARCH, take one more step with the left foot, then in one count place the right toe near the heal of the left foot and step off again with the left foot. The arms swing naturally.

b. This movement is executed automatically whenever a soldier finds himself out of step with all other members of the formation.

Rest Movement, 30-Inch Step

a. At Ease March. The command At ease, MARCH is given as either foot strikes the marching surface. On the command of execution MARCH, the soldier is no longer required to retain cadence; however, silence and the approximate interval and distance are maintained. Quick time, MARCH and Route step, MARCH are the only commands that can be given while marching at ease.

b. Route Step March. Route step is executed exactly the same as at ease march except that the soldier may drink from his canteen and talk.

NOTE: To change the direction of march while marching at route step or at ease march, the commander informally directs the lead element to turn in the desired direction. Before precision movements may be executed, the unit must resume marching in cadence. The troops automatically resume marching at attention on the command Quick time, MARCH, as the commander reestablishes the cadence by counting for eight steps.

The 15-Inch Step, Forward/Half Step

a. To march with a 15-inch step from the halt, the command is Half step, MARCH. On the preparatory command Half step, shift the weight of the body to the right foot without noticeable movement. On the command of execution MARCH, step forward 15 inches with the left foot and continue marching with 15-inch steps. The arms swing as in marching with a 30-inch step.

b. To alter the march to a 15-inch step while marching with a 30-inch step, the command is Half step, MARCH. This command may be given as either foot strikes the marching surface. On the command of execution MARCH, take one more 30-inch step and then begin marching with a 15-inch step. The arms swing as in marching with a 30-inch step.

c. To resume marching with a 30-inch step, the command Forward, MARCH is given as either foot strikes the marching surface. On the command of execution MARCH, take one more 15-inch step and then begin marching with a 30-inch step.

d. The halt while marching at the half step is executed in two counts, the same as the halt from the 30-inch step.

e. While marching at the half step, the only commands that may be given are: Mark time, MARCH; Forward, MARCH; Extend, MARCH; and HALT.

Marching in Place

a. To march in place, the command Mark time, MARCH is given as either foot strikes the marching surface and only while marching with a 30-inch or 15-inch step forward. On the command of execution MARCH, take one more step, bring the trailing foot alongside the leading foot, and begin to march in place. Raise each foot (alternately) 2 inches off the marching surface; the arms swing naturally, as in marching with a 30-inch step forward.

NOTE: While marking time in formation, the soldier adjusts position to ensure proper alignment and cover.

b. To resume marching with a 30-inch step, the command Forward, MARCH is given as either foot strikes the marching surface. On the command of execution MARCH, take one more step in place and then step off with a 30-inch step.

c. The halt from mark time is executed in two counts, basically the same as the halt from the 30-inch step.

The 15-Inch Step, Right/Left

a. To march with a 15-inch step right (left), the command is Right (Left) step, MARCH. The command is given only while at the halt. On the preparatory command of Right (Left) step, shift the weight of the body without noticeable movement onto the left (right) foot. On the command of execution MARCH, bend the right knee slightly and raise the right foot only high enough to allow freedom of movement. Place the right foot 15 inches to the right of the left foot, and then move the left foot (keeping the left leg straight) alongside the right foot as in the position of attention. Continue this movement, keeping the arms at the sides as in the position of attention.

b. To halt when executing right or left step, the command is Squad (Platoon), HALT. This movement is executed in two counts. The preparatory command is given when the heels are together the command of execution HALT is given the next time the heels are together. On the command of execution HALT, take one more step with the lead foot and then place the trailing foot alongside the lead foot, resuming the position of attention.

The 15-Inch Step, Backward

a. To march with a 15-inch step backward, the command is Backward, MARCH. The command is given only while at the halt. On the preparatory command Backward, shift the weight of the body without noticeable movement onto the right foot. On the command of execution MARCH, take a 15-inch step backward with the left foot and continue marching backward with 15-inch steps. The arms swing naturally.

b. The halt from backward march is executed in two counts, basically the same as the halt from the 30-inch step.

The 30-Inch Step, Double Time

a. To march in the cadence of 180 steps per minute with a 30-inch step, the command is Double time, MARCH. It may be commanded while at the halt or while marching at quick time with a 30-inch step.

b. When at the halt and the preparatory command Double time is given, shift the weight of the body to the right foot without noticeable movement. On the command of execution MARCH, raise the forearms to a horizontal position, with the fingers and thumbs closed, knuckles out, and simultaneously step off with the left foot. Continue to march with 30-inch steps at the cadence of double time. The arms swing naturally to the front and rear with the forearms kept horizontal. (When armed, soldiers will come to port arms on receiving the preparatory command of Double time.) Guides, when at sling arms, will double time with their weapons at sling arms upon receiving the directive GUIDE ON LINE.

c. When marching with a 30-inch step in the cadence of quick time, the command Double time, MARCH is given as either foot strikes the marching surface. On the command of execution MARCH, take one more 30-inch step at quick time, and step off with the trailing foot, double timing as previously described.

d. To resume marching with a 30-inch step at quick time, the command Quick time, MARCH is given as either foot strikes the marching surface. On the command of execution MARCH, take two more 30-inch steps at double time, lower the arms to the sides, and resume marching with a 30-inch step at quick time.

NOTE: Quick time, column half left (right), and column left (right) are the only movements that can be executed while double timing. Armed troops must be at either sling arms or port arms before the command Double time, MARCH is given.

Facing in Marching

a. Facings in marching from a halt are important parts of the following movements: alignments, column movements, inspecting soldiers in ranks, and changing from normal interval to double interval or double interval to normal interval. For instructional purposes only, the command Face to the right (left) in marching, MARCH may be used to teach the individual to execute the movement properly. On the preparatory command Face to the right (left) in marching, shift the weight of the body without noticeable movement onto the right foot. On the command of execution MARCH, pivot to the right (left) on the ball of the right foot (90 degrees) and step off in the indicated direction with the left foot. Execute the pivot and step in one count, and continue marching in the new direction.

b. Facing to the half-right (half-left) in marching from the halt is executed in the same manner as facing to the right (left) in marching from a halt, except the facing movement is made at a 45-degree angle to the right (left).

c. The halt from facing in marching is executed in two counts, the same as the halt from the 30-inch step.


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Sources for school statistics is the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics.

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